Sunday, June 19, 2011

Friday evening my wife and I were at a friend's home for a social gathering. About 22 of us sharing a potluck meal, laughing and visiting and enjoying a wonderful evening.

I quickly dashed off this watercolor to capture the beautiful view.

This is from a recent morning's walk with my wife. Our county courthouse has grown from the front part of the structure in the picture to most of the block.

The white hole on left side of the drawing is one of the three holes in the page - it is part of my daily journal.

At our local fire station the ladder truck was pulled out of its bay for a wash and a shine. I captured a picture of it with my cell phone and later added this drawing to my journal. Now that I am adding color with watercolor maybe I should go back and add the red and the reflections - maybe not, the drawing works well in black and white.

I ran across an interesting video demonstrating how to make an air conditioner for a college dorm where students may not have an air conditioner. It involves putting a copper coil on the front of a fan with some plastic tubing and two 5 gallon buckets. I was impressed with the ingenuity and recorded the process, in the form of the diagram to the right, in my journal.

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